Travel Photography in Peru, the eyes are the window to the soul…

This young girl has such beautiful and expressive eyes, and a little pout since her Mother put away the treat she was enjoying! Peruvian villagers often wear the most colorful clothes. This little girl’s woven shawl, along with her Mother’s colorful skirt and sweater, adds texture and vibrancy to the composition. To record the moment, I photographed the little girl at her eye level. She gave me a shy smile, but it was her pout that stole my heart!

I used a Nikon 24-70mm lens, and a flash to make the picture. This allowed me to be close, creating a more intimate portrait, yet with enough distance so that I didn’t overwhelm the little girl with my camera. I incorporated part of her Mother’s figure for color, and a bit of the background to speak about her village in Peru. For a subtle soft touch, try using Nik Glamour Glow in post processing, which is part of the fantastic new Nik Color Efex Pro 4 filter set. You can use DSANDIDGE for the promotional code on Nik Software products. Make great pictures! ~ Deb


  1. Khaos on November 27, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    ¡¡Excelente retrato!!.Inocente mirada que te cuenta todo.
    Fantástico trabajo,Deborah.


  2. Deborah Sandidge on November 27, 2011 at 2:54 pm

    Muchas gracias, thank you so much for your kind words!

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