Havana at Night…

I’m back from two weeks in Cuba from Santiago to Havana! Long trip, sketchy internet, but wonderful photo opportunities. The people of Cuba are outstanding, it was a fascinating experience. Hard to wind down at night, especially after seeing this view from my hotel room in Havana during moonrise! Cross processing with Topaz Adjust film effects created this golden vintage film look.

Interested in night photography, HDR, infrared and everything creative? Catch up with me during St. Augustine’s Birding & Photo Fest April 25-29. Hope to see you there! ~ Deb


  1. Gary on April 16, 2012 at 7:29 am

    Nice shot Deb. Glad to see you made it back ok.

  2. Deborah Sandidge on April 16, 2012 at 10:11 pm

    Thank you Gary, so pleased you like this!

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