Photographing the Night Sky, Part Two – Nikon Learn & Explore…

I’m super excited that part two of Photographing the Night Sky is up and running on the Nikon Learn and Explore website! Click here to go directly to the Nikon website to read the article. (Part one covers Photographing star trails, which is a lot of fun and not as hard as you might think)! The image above is one photo of a series that made up a star trail image which can be viewed on part one.

Nikon interviewed three photographers, Pete Saloutos, Harold Davis, and myself on how to photograph stars at night, plus Nikon’s own Steve Heiner discusses ideas for time lapse and star photography. Steve’s video is absolutely mesmerizing, you’ll want to give it a try.
Have fun shooting!
~ Deb

PS – Follow this link for a few more photos/ideas for shooting at twilight and night.

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