Archive for July 2009

Photographing Classic Cars…

Here are a few tips and hints on photographing vintage cars. Shoot low at “eye” level to the car, get in close and use a wide-angle lens. A wide-angle lens can create distortions that give a little more personality to your classic car subject. Use a polarizer to reduce unwanted reflections and let the beautiful…

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HDR to the Rescue…

HDR is a pretty cool technique to take advantage of to make the best of your subject. I photographed a section of a vintage warbird for HDR, and merged the images in Photomatix Pro. I used the Photomatix Tone Mapping filter to bring out all kinds of wonderful detail and color that was hidden before,…

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Pipe dreams…

Cuba is full of the most wonderful faces, I would go back in a heartbeat. The people are friendly, and enjoy conversation in spite of the language barrier. Most people have a story to tell as with this gentleman and his pipe. Taking his picture was just the first step. Enhancing the photo to tell…

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Book Signing Event…

Last night was my first book-signing event hosted by the wonderful members of the Orlando Camera Club! It was great to be able to talk about writing my book, answer questions, meet new friends and catch up with old ones. More photos on my website. I also had a chance to talk about online learning…

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A starting point…

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see” – Edgar Degas, one of my favorite quotes. One of the really wonderful things about photography and art is that it is subjective, and can be interpreted by the viewer and the artist alike. Thinking outside the box allows for a lot of…

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