Last stop in Bosque, Infrared Train with Topaz B&W Effects…

I’m loving how the new Topaz Labs B&W Effects works with infrared and color photography. This photo was taken with a super color infrared converted Nikon D200. I used Stylized Effects, with the Diffusion with Color preset to remove some of the color from the image. The settings were modified from the preset for a little less diffusion and softness. Fine-tuning is the way to go to create a unique image. You can make local adjustments through the dodge, burn and color option in B&W Effects.

The graffiti train in infrared, and the Capitol Bar in HDR, were photographed last December while teaching for Naturescapes in Bosque, NM, along with Greg Downing and Tim Gray. After my HDR workshop, our group stayed for night photography with the wonderful opportunities we had in our town of Socorro. The HDR image above was converted with a beautiful antique toning technique that is available in B&W Effects. Lots of creative options packed into an intuitive and easy to use converter. ***B&W Effects has been released and can be purchased for $29 until September 18 with coupon code bwandbeyond.

Want to know more about infrared and color effects? Check out my introduction to infrared photography article, my book on infrared photography, and online classes too. Infrared photography is a beautiful and unique way to create a visual narrative that is different than color. Have fun shooting!

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