Greetings from Ecuador!

Hello from Quito! I’ve been very out of contact living aboard the Galapagos Legend, a most wonderful ship in the most beautiful areas I’ve ever experienced. I can’t wait to share photos in the coming weeks of Peru, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.  A trio of of sea lions and a shark joined me for snorkeling off the islands, and the most amazing fish swam with me too! I’ve never seen anything like it and I think I’m hooked on learning to dive now.

I’m excited about my upcoming classes at in December. I hope you will join me! I’ll be teaching Enhancing Images & Creating Works of Art, a really fun course, along with digital infrared photography. Hope to see you in one of my upcoming workshops, check out the Everglades in January, awesome bird and landscape opportunities.  February in South Carolina, the Carolina Nature Photographers Association, so excited to be teaching there! Cuba in March, and there is one opening on this wonderful humanitarian mission, jump in if you want to join our BTO group. Plus one opening in Kenya summer 2012 – outstanding opportunities for many, many safaris, please send me an email if you are interested! Love to see you in Africa in summer or fall!
Buenos tardes…


  1. Anonymous on November 15, 2011 at 9:31 am

    Hola Deb,leí tu blog y sabes que?..Soy mejor leyendo el inglés que escuchandolo jajaj! Es bueno saber que disfrutaste tu visita en las islas a bordo del Galapagos Legend, para nosotros fue un placer tenerte a bordo, recibe un saludo de parte del Sr.Capitan, de sus Oficiales y de la tripulación en general a quienes les comente de tu trabajo en el puente de mando, les gustó saber de tu especial interés por la fotografía, de mi parte te deseo suerte en todo lo que hagas, que tus metas y propósitos se cumplan con éxito.
    Carlos Campuzano.
    Second Officer
    M/V Galapagos Legend

  2. George Mitchell on November 15, 2011 at 11:50 am

    Middle Earth ??

  3. Deborah Sandidge on November 16, 2011 at 11:24 pm

    It was a pleasure to meet you, Carlos and thank you for showing me around the bridge of the Galapagos Legend, a beautiful ship. I appreciate your kindness!

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