Happy New Year…

Today is the very last day of the year, a time for reflection. Tomorrow is a brand new day, and the start of a brand new year! New goals, new ideas, new ventures, anything can happen with a fresh slate and shiny new possibilities! Here’s to happiness, health, and a year full of exciting new experiences! Make each day a celebration…

I hope to see you in one of my seminars, workshops or online classes this year! My BetterPhoto.com courses start on Wednesday, Enhancing Images & Creating Works of Art, along with Digital Infrared Photography. We have a lot of fun creating pictures like the one above, and we cover a lot of material that blurs the line between artist and photographer. Hope to catch up with you in 2012!  Happy New Year! ~ Deb


  1. Carolyn McIntosh on January 1, 2012 at 12:40 am

    WOW . . what a beauty. Happy New Year to you.

  2. Deborah Sandidge on January 1, 2012 at 11:05 am

    I hope your New Year is filled with love, health and happiness, have a great 2012 Carolyn!

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