Nik Creative Efex Collection…

Here’s a holiday gift you might want to consider, the Creative Efex Collection from Nik Software. Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro and HDR Efex Pro work beautifully for color correction, creative enhancements, black and white, and high dynamic range imaging.

Silver Efex Pro is perfect for black and white conversion, giving you the most control over how how you want your black and white photos to be presented. If you are an infrared photographer, you’ll like how Silver Efex Pro enhances your imagery.

HDR Efex Pro makes high dynamic range imaging easy, an elegant solution to a sometimes challenging process. The various presets give you an idea how your  HDR image will look, and you can create your own presets to use.

Color Efex makes color correction and creative enhancements very intuitive and fast. It would be hard to choose a favorite in the filter set! I like Tonal Contrast, as it enhances the color and detail in an image. I brushed it in on the cityscape of Vancouver shown above.

Nik Software is limiting the collection to 400 boxes. These are the three “must-have’s” for the digital photographer. The box price for all three products is $299 and you can use the promotional code DSANDIDGE for an additional 15% discount. Click here to visit the Nik Software site.

Happy Holidays!

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