Pop Art, Tiffen Dfx style…

Color Shadow, a filter option in the very artistic Tiffen Dfx digital filters and creative effects works easily to create a vivid pop art look with a photograph. I’ve been experimenting with a few ideas for a simple flower photo that had humble beginnings in black and white. Inverting the image, and using Dfx Color Shadow provided endless variations and creative opportunities for a colorful Andy Warhol look. As I’m learning the ropes of Tiffen Dfx, I’m impressed by the endless filter combinations that can be achieved for both realistic and surrealistic imagery. Tiffen has a long respected reputation for outstanding filters for the lens. Tiffen Dfx takes off with digital versions of these filters, and adds many creative effects as well. I appreciate tools that make my job easier, more creative and fun! Color Shadow fits right in with a more artistic and painterly alternative to a photograph. Happy shooting!

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