, a new website!

I’m very pleased to share with you my new website The site was professionally designed by the awesome team at Smugmug! I like websites that are elegant, easy to navigate, providing several portfolio viewing options for clients, and visitors as well. Custom portfolio’s with private client access can be created, or special galleries for your family and friends. The automatic watermarking, is a big timesaver, and you can sell prints through Smugmug too, very cool! What I really like best about the site is how beautifully it displays my photographs.
My current blog is integrated into the design. You can read my blog through the new site, or directly via If you’ve been thinking about upgrading and updating your website, or creating a new website for your photography, Smugmug makes it easy for you. Enjoy 20% savings on your first year with your own Smugmug website, use the easy to remember code DEB. Have a wonderful weekend! 

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