Infrared Photography with Topaz Labs B&W Effects…

Santorini is one of the most beautiful places on earth! To create a version that is a little different from most travel photos, this image was photographed with an infrared converted camera. Infrared can enhance the clouds and foliage in a composition, creating a surreal and beautiful look. Infrared converted camera’s are the way to go, camera conversion is relatively inexpensive compared to the cost of an infrared filter for the lens. Image quality is far better, and exposure time is about the same as an unmodified camera. For more information about infrared photography, click to visit the Infrared page of my website.

Topaz Labs B&W Effects is an excellent tool for black and white conversion, and it includes cool and creative effects as well! No need to have an infrared camera, or know anything about infrared for this webinar. You can use the ideas for B&W conversion with your color imagery, and learn about infrared as well! I hope you can join me for this free, informative, and fun webinar on Infrared Artistry this Tuesday, March  13 at 5pm EST. Click here to register. You can save 15% on everything Topaz with code DEBORAHSANDIDGE. Hope to see you on Tuesday!


  1. Gary on March 12, 2012 at 10:47 am

    Great shot as always Deb!

    Have you ever described your workflow when processing your images? Is there anything that is consistent no matter what you have in mind for a particular image? Just curious. With all of the plug-ins you promote, you must have quite the processes!

    Also, what do you do to backup your work? All in-house or do you use the cloud?


  2. Deborah Sandidge on March 12, 2012 at 11:16 am

    Hi Gary, thank you so much! I’ll be going over workflow briefly during my webinar tomorrow with Topaz Labs. I’m a creature of habit, so always following the same workflow. In a nutshell, correct/optimize in ACR or Capture NX2, apply any noise reduction if needed, then on to any plug-ins or creative work.
    I use Drobo’s to back up work, and off site storage, am I’m looking into carbonate or amazon.
    Hope that helps! ~ Deb

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