Travel Photography in Peru – Shooting in Infrared…

This rustic church is located on the fascinating floating islands of Lake Titicaca, bordering Peru and Bolivia. At 12,500 ft above sea level, it’s one of the highest lakes in the world! This image was photographed in infrared, and converted to black and white using Topaz Labs B&W Effects. The Van Dyke Brown Collection is one of my favorite presets, creating an overall rich toned look to the infrared image. Infrared photography is a wonderful way to broaden your photographic horizons, and expand your creativity.

Want to learn more about infrared and black and white conversion, or simply B&W conversion techniques? I’ll be doing a webinar “Infrared Artistry with B&W Effects” with Topaz Labs on Tuesday March 13 at 5pm EST. Click here to register, hope to see you there! Space is limited, and you can register before it’s formally announced. You can save 15% on any Topaz Labs product including the new cool Star Effects using code DEBORAHSANDIDGE.

I’d love to catch up with you during one of my infrared photography presentations. I’ll be on the east coast of Florida speaking for the Indian River Photo Club on March 22 in Vero Beach, and in April, you can catch one of my presentations on infrared, HDR, and creativity with your camera during Florida’s Birding & Photo Fest in St. Augustine. I also have workshops scheduled on night photography and camera creativity, (only a few spots left in the night photography workshops).

Click here for savings on my favorite filters and plug-ins, and catch up on some creative techniques and webinars on the Photo Artistry Tips page of my blog. Have a great weekend! Happy shooting!


  1. Gary on March 3, 2012 at 4:17 pm

    Nice shot Deb. I really love the detail.

    Here is a link to the images in my IR show that opened last night:

    I also gave an IR talk this morning to a photo club in Tilghman Island, MD using your book as an excellent reference and telling them you are my IR muse. Hopefully I inspired some people to try IR.

  2. Deborah Sandidge on March 4, 2012 at 12:48 am

    Hi Gary, Congratulations on your presentation of infrared, and also for your exhibit on infrared! How exciting!
    Thank you for the link, beautiful photos and I’m sure they are well received. Thank you for your mention about the book, and me too, you are great!
    I’m sure you were very inspirational!! Kudos to you!
    ~ Deb

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