Night Photography, Florence Italy…

Night can transform an ordinary scene into something magical. Light, shadow, texture, tonality, pattern all work together to create a very different composition compared to photos captured during the day. Night has it’s own magic. I loved walking the streets of Florence, Italy at night, everything was a picture.

The camera used to make this photo was a Nikon D3s, and Nikon 24-70mm lens, one of my favorite lenses. I carry a Feisol 3442 carbon fiber tripod, and F-stop Loka camera bag which is organized, rugged, and awesome. I’m very excited about a new messenger style bag from F-stop that I plan to carry for cityscape photography. It’s called the Ando, and I’ll post more about this very soon! Nik Silver was used to convert this image to black and white. I like to expand on the presets, especially High Structure or Full Dynamic to create an image with drama and impact.

If you would like to read more about night photography, here’s a link to an article I wrote for Topaz Labs Pro Insights on Creative Nightscapes, from Twilight to Starlight, and also, Tips on How to Shoot Nightscapes. Nikon interviewed Harold Davis, Pete Saloutos, and myself on how to photograph stars, and star trails. You can read the article on the Nikon Learn and Explore site, and check out the app!  Have fun shooting! ~ Deb

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