Long exposure photography for creative effects…

Long exposures can create an expressive composition by altering the perception of elements in a scene, such as the sea and clouds in the photo above. A hand held shot would freeze the ocean and clouds as we see it in a moment of time. To create a more artistic image, I used a very long exposure that softly blurred the sea and clouds to convey the passage of time. Neutral density filters allow you to dramatically slow down exposure time, and also balances light in a composition. I used a 10 stop neutral density filter and reverse graduated filter to create the photo of the jetty above. Converting to black and white creates a classic fine art look, and is easily accomplished in post processing. I’ll cover more about the technique of long exposure photography and neutral density filters in an upcoming post.

To record long exposures, you’ll need a tripod, cable release, and neutral density filters. My favorites are a reverse graduated neutral density filter which holds back light in the sky, and a 10 stop ND filter. The tripod shown above, is a Feisol 3442 which is made of carbon fiber. I carry this everywhere as it only weighs 2.31 pounds, and folds down to 19 inches. This super sturdy tripod traveled with me to seven countries in the last year, and two more coming up soon. That awesome green bag is my F-stop Shibata camera bag, which is perfect for stowing filters, lenses, and everything needed for a day at the beach.

I hope you can join me for one of my online courses courses starting Wednesday, August 8th at BetterPhoto.com. I’ll cover creative post processing and more, along with infrared photography. Have fun shooting, and get artistic with your photos. Hope to see you in class!


  1. Gary on August 8, 2012 at 7:01 am

    Hi Deb,

    Great shot! You mention you used both the 10-stop ND and the reverse grad filter for this shot. Both circular filters? How did you get away from any vignetting or are both filters extremely thin? (guess I should wait for your next post! *laugh*)

  2. Cynthia Merzer on August 8, 2012 at 9:46 am

    I have long been a fan of your work going back several years when I first found you featured on a now defunct creative infrared photography site. Your creativity is very inspiring. I just love seeing all the work that you do with long exposure, textures and infrared. Keep shooting and keep posting!

  3. Deborah Sandidge on August 8, 2012 at 10:23 am

    Hi Gary – Thank you! They are thin flat neutral density filters that fit into the Lee foundation kit, so you don’t have the same type of vignetting issue as with circular screw on type ND filters esp with wide angle lenses. This is very problematic if you don’t have a lot of leeway with composition. I’m much happier with the flat ND filter as long as I don’t drop it, it’s super thin and expensive glass! 🙂

    Cynthia, you are very thoughtful and kind to post such wonderful and supportive comments! That’s the nicest thing you could say – “your creativity is very inspiring” – thank you so very much!!

  4. Gary on August 8, 2012 at 11:35 am

    Thanks Deb. I tried ordering the Lee setup and some 4×4 filters, but the wait was beyond long. I think I gave up after 3 months!

  5. Deborah Sandidge on August 8, 2012 at 11:46 am

    Try Unique Photo, I noticed they had the Big Stopper (10 stop ND) in stock. I looked everywhere too. Everything else should be easy to find, good luck! B&H, Adorama & Amazon should have the foundation kits, and grad filters.

  6. Gary on August 9, 2012 at 12:06 pm

    Thanks Deb. I think the foundation kit starts with 2 slots, so for starting out, would you recommend getting the 10-stop with a 3-stop grad and a 3-stop reverse grad? Granted, it depends on the subjects, but that seems that would cover the basics. My allowance only goes so far! lol

  7. Arash on August 12, 2012 at 9:07 pm

    Simply Lovely!

  8. Deborah Sandidge on August 13, 2012 at 8:36 pm

    Thanks so much, Arash!

  9. Deborah Sandidge on August 14, 2012 at 9:34 am

    Hi Gary, The foundation kit I have has 3 slots. I’m using a 10 stop with a 3 stop reverse grad in the second slot, I’d recommend the same for you. You’ll just need the one grad. The last slot can be adapted for a polarizer but it’s a pricey option, provide you can find the adaptor accessory ring. Not expensive but hard to find! However, the required 105mm polarizer is a bit pricey. For now, look for the Big Stopper, you’ll find the reverse grad ND easily. Good luck!

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