Long Exposure Creativity Course…

Paris, the City of Light

I’m very excited to let you know my new online course at BetterPhoto.com is now open for enrollment! During this 4 week course, I’ll cover how to create surreal and beautiful imagery through the art and technique of long exposure photography. You’ll learn how to convey the passage of time, create imagery with a sense of motion, still rippled water to mirror perfect perfection, paint the clouds as brushstrokes across the sky, capture streaks of light from passing cars, and shoot for the stars and beyond! We’ll have a lot of fun in this course, and you’ll come away with captivating fine art photos. You can enroll online through BetterPhoto.com, here is the link…  Long Exposure Creativity. Shoot me an email if you have any questions about the course, and check out the course requirements and info online. I hope to see you in class, starting November 7th!

(Update, the November online course filled up in a day, but look for December openings when posted later, thanks  for your support and interest)!


  1. Lynne Daley on October 23, 2012 at 4:26 pm

    Hi Deb,
    I missed getting your long exposure class this go round, but hope to get it on the next one. The Sing-Ray 10 stop filter you mentioned pre-ordering is not available yet, but I just got an email from them recommending the Mo-Slo which stacks on the Vari-D. Here is a link to it-
    Would that work with your class?
    Lynne Daley

  2. Deborah Sandidge on October 23, 2012 at 4:41 pm

    Hi Lynne, the course filled up in a day, but registration for the next course will be in Nov. The Singh-Ray 100×100 won’t be out till later, hoped for November but these things take time. A variable neutral density will be fine to start out with. You can stack the mo-Slo with the variable. The variable is a good choice, as it’s so easy to use and hand to keep in the camera bag. Hope to see you in class soon! Thanks ~ Deb

  3. Lynne Daley on October 24, 2012 at 9:36 am

    Hi Deb,
    Thanks, will get those ordered and looking forward to your class.

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