Photo Walk at Lake Eola in Orlando…

If you are in Orlando in January, I hope you can join +Jason Odell and I for a fun, free photo walk at Lake Eola! We had a great time with our photo walk participants in NYC at Central Park in October, and this will be a great way to catch up with everyone in Florida! The walk is scheduled for Friday January 18, sign up is limited, you can register by clicking here…

Lake Eola is beautiful to shoot at any time of day. The image above was photographed during the blue hour, my favorite time to make pictures.  In photo below, I used a 10 stop neutral density filter, the Big Stopper. This long exposure, 145 seconds, creates a mirror perfect reflection in rippled water on a sunny afternoon. Learn more about Long Exposure Creativity in my upcoming course starting next week at

Bring us your photography questions, we’ll be happy to answer. Want to learn more? Join us for one or both of our upcoming workshops..
Creative Digital Techniques in Colonial Williamsburg April 25-28 2013
Badlands of South Dakota June 2-5 2013
Hope to meet you soon in Orlando!

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