The Ando camera bag from F-stop Gear…

Debs Fstop green Ando camera bag

Heads up on an awesome camera bag from F-stop Gear! This is the Ando 13, and it’s my cityscape, weekend, day-tripping bag. This is a little different from a backpack camera bag, (which I love, check out the Loka, I carried this bag all around Kenya, Tanzania, and the United Arab Emerites). The Ando is a medium sized messenger style bag, super sturdy, and just the right size for walking around a city night and day.

The Ando bag above is packed with my Mac Air, second camera body, several lenses, filters, the works. It has a lot of different compartments and pockets, inside and out, great for keeping organized. Follow me to London and Paris in the next few weeks on Instagram, where I’ll be giving the Ando a workout! @debsandidge on Instagram and Twitter, and Facebook, see you there!

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