Happy Mother’s Day…

I call my mom “momsie.” It’s very informal, but through the years we have established a greater relationship that crosses the boundaries of just mother/daughter. My mother is awesome! She let me explore the big wide world in my favorite red sneakers, reeling me in when need be. She encouraged me throughout my childhood, teen years, and adulthood, whatever that is! My mom even edited my first published book, making sure I dotted the i’s, and crossed the t’s. She recently saved my dad… I can’t even begin to quantify that in mere words. She was able to give my dad CPR after his heart stopped in such a terrifying situation, until the ambulance crew arrived and took over. I call her my hero. She doesn’t like that, but she is, and always will be. I love you Momsie. Thank you for everything…

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful Mother’s in the world!

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