Photographing Savannah at Twilight…

The view from Rocks on the Roof in downtown Savannah is best appreciated with an ice cold Savannah tea, and an appetizer. The view is spectacular and is one of my favorite locations to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, however the real treat comes after sunset… twilight. The sky looks magical, and it’s my favorite time to make pictures! The light during twilight is balanced and the city lights sparkle throughout the composition. To photograph the low light of the evening, use a tripod, and cable release (or the camera’s self timer feature). I choose a white balance that accentuates the scene, and I’ll often use a color polarizing filter, or FL-W filter, creating a more artistic representation of the composition.

A lot of photographers ask me about my tripod. Weight, durability and stability are very important to me. I use a Feisol CT-3442 carbon fiber tripod, as it’s perfect for every day shooting and travel, weighing in at 2.31 lbs. It’s sturdy enough to hold the Nikon D3s, and any of the lenses I carry for travel photography. The CT-3442 is compact, folding down to 19″ and packs in a suitcase, so it’s easy to bring anywhere and everywhere you go. Have fun shooting at twilight!



  1. Gary on February 29, 2012 at 3:04 pm

    Gorgeous shot Deb! I like the new layout for the website, too.

  2. Lynne on February 29, 2012 at 6:53 pm

    My heart is in this city! Great photo, Deb!

  3. Deborah Sandidge on February 29, 2012 at 7:07 pm

    Thank you very much, Gary! I’m so pleased you like the new website too!

  4. Deborah Sandidge on February 29, 2012 at 7:08 pm

    Thanks so much, Lynne!

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