Create an HDR look with Topaz Labs Spicify…

Cuban Colonial architecture is wonderfully textured and colorful!  There’s a lot of detail in the scrollwork and interest in the old signs. The paint is worn and aged to absolute perfection, creating great photo opportunities everywhere you look!

One of my favorite filters is Topaz Labs Spicify, as it can make a dramatic difference with the overall look of an image. This filter enhances detail, color and exposure and can create a dimensional HDR look with a single image. The effect of Spicify looks differently with each photo. For a more detailed appearance, it’s often just the finishing touch that an image needs.

Here’s a timesaving tip to intensify the effect. After using Spicify (or another filter), Photoshop can automatically run the filter again for stronger results. Press Ctrl/Cmd F, or choose Topaz Adjust at the very top of the Filter menu. Adjust the opacity of the filter layer to suit your image.

I hope you will join me for my webinar on creating an HDR look with Topaz Adjust! Here’s a link… Topaz Adjust Webinar.  You can use coupon code DEBORAHSANDIDGE for everything Topaz. Make great pictures! ~ Deb


  1. Jim Nix on February 25, 2011 at 1:11 pm

    Great shot Deb, and I agree Spicify is my favorite setting in Topaz Adjust! Jim

  2. Heidi on February 25, 2011 at 2:22 pm

    It’s the one I use the most too…bumps the details without causing any noise.

  3. Deborah Sandidge on February 25, 2011 at 4:09 pm

    Thank you Jim and Heidi, glad you both enjoy getting creative with Topaz Labs Spicify!!

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