Nik HDR Efex Pro

Moody Blues – Vancouver HDR…

Vancouver is beautiful rain or shine. With this photo, a looming storm creates dynamic clouds, and a great opportunity for HDR photography. For this image, I used a Nikon 28-300mm lens with a Feisol CT-3442 tripod, both of which are perfect for travel. Nik HDR Efex Pro was used to combine the various exposures. I started…

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B&W and More with Nik HDR Efex Pro..

Here’s an HDR image processed to look more like a B&W photograph rather than on the illustrative side. I couldn’t help but use a fisheye lens for a fun look! I have an artistic background, and tend to work in that direction. My buddy, an architectural photographer wouldn’t dream of this! It’s a tilt shift…

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HDR – Florence, Italy after the rain…

Night is the perfect time for HDR photography. The dynamic range in the scene is often too great for the camera to record in a single exposure what we can see with our eyes.. Detail can be lost in both the highlight and shadow areas, making a balanced exposure tricky! This scene was photographed in…

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Black and White, or Color? HDR in Downtown Orlando…

Black and white photography has a timeless appeal that can create an emotional response that’s different from color. Light, shadow, pattern, texture, and tonality work beautifully together to create an expressive image independent from the connotations color. Black and white can romanticize an image, look at the wonderful work of wedding photographers! Much of the appeal for…

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