Nik HDR Efex Pro

Bicycles in Rome… HDR with Nik HDR Efex Pro

The city of Rome is a most exciting place! The cars are mostly small, and so are the motorcycles, actually scooters. I saw one Harley Davidson, and a ton of Vespa’s.  I believe people live there by divine intervention. I have lived my entire life without ever getting close to getting hit by a car,…

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#HDR at Twilight, extending our HDR workshop at Naturescapes…

The quaint town of Socorro, New Mexico is a wonderful place to visit, and it’s very close to the most beautiful Bosque del Apache where Naturescapes was held. Greg Downing, Tim Grey and myself led several workshops and presentations in this picturesque part of the country. My creative photographer students started out our HDR workshop…

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#HDR Vintage Style with Nik HDR Efex Pro…

I’ve been putting the last minute touches on my HDR presentation for Naturescapes in New Mexico this weekend. I can’t wait to get to Bosque del Apache, my first trip! I’m just as excited to be able to talk about Nik HDR Efex Pro – the “new kid on the block” for HDR processing. This…

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#HDR Times Square at night – fun with a fisheye…

I’m a big fan of the super wide view one gets by using a fisheye lens. This scene was photographed with a Nikon 16mm fisheye lens, which by tilting, created the distortion of the architecture. This lens pulls everything together in an interesting way. Technically, if the lens is held level, you get an ultra-wide view without…

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