Archive for July 2013

New Metallic Textures from Flypaper…

You can create a fine art look with your photograph by simply applying a texture. A texture layer addition can increase the depth, dimension, and drama of a photograph. It is one of the easiest ways to create a more expressive image. A texture layer can be anything you wish, from painterly looking brushstrokes, to…

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Big thanks to NECCC…

A big thanks to Nikon and NECCC for inviting me to speak on long exposure creativity to the NECCC 68th Annual Photo Conference last week!  The conference was fantastic, over 1000 photographers attended, the presenters were outstanding, along with the attendees, organizers and vendors. Nevada Wier was keynote speaker, on two evenings back to back! Thanks…

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Havana World…

Havana Cuba with a fisheye lens during twilight

Welcome to the world of Havana! This was photographed from a (very narrow) balcony from a hotel in downtown Havana. I loved this view, the city lights add a little sparkle and you can hear music from every direction. A 13 second exposure captured passing cars as streaks of light. At 24mm, the Nikkor 24-70mm…

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El Morro Lighthouse ~ Havana, Cuba…

El Morro Lighthouse in Havana Cuba

This week I’ll be posting photos of Cuba here on my blog, and on Google+. Cuba is a fascinating and beautiful place, wonderful people, food and the best music ever.  Imagine enjoying a mojito at the Hotel Nacionale de Cuba with a spectacular view of the Malecón, Cuba’s waterfront! (Pictured opposite the lighthouse, along the Havana…

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